
Reforestation on Mt. Cerje with the Slovenian Forestry department

In summer 2022 after a long period of drought, our Karst/Kras area was affected by a number of wildfires. The intensity and size of the fires were unprecedented. We saw the destruction of many natural habitats of native animals and there was a real risk to human life, too. Thanks to unified international cooperation, Slovenian and Italian firefighters and volunteers joined forces to limit the damage of these fires.

Last November, Zavod za Gozdove (Slovenian Forest Service) launched a reforestation initiative with the aim of replanting some of the affected areas with native tress. After the success of last year’s initiative, they ran another open-to-the-public reforestation action day on Saturday 25 November.

Our students, lead by our brilliant outdoor coordinator Enea Zaramella, helped to reforest an area on the Eastern side of mount Cerje. Here is a video of the wildfires from summer 2022 (all credits go to Gregorio Doleatto) and a video of our actions to mitigate the damages and help the local community (all credits go to Angelo roffi, Gabriele Derudas & Enea Zaramella).


Giulia Postal