
Policies & Structures

Action plans, dedicated sustainability staff, collaborative planning committees and clearly defined future targets to reduce our environmental impacts – which structures are already in place at our college to help working towards the UWC Climate Commitments?




Meet the Sustainability Student Council = SUSCO

SUSCO, The Student Sustainability Council at UWC Adriatic is very active throughout the school year and leads student initiatives within the school. Students and staff members have been debating about…

UWC Costa Rica’s Sustainability Framework

The following framework establishes sustainability in its broadest, most holistic sense as a mindset and ethical guideline for balance and well-being, embracing the concept of reciprocity. Putting sustainability and reciprocity…
Zero Waste Center at UWCSEA East

Supporting UWCSEA East activities in their journey to Zero Waste

Toward the unified UWC mission for Sustainability, our Activities department has started their own journey to Zero Waste together with the support of the Service & Sustainable Development Team. We…

The Eco-Team at UWC Maastricht

The Eco-Team has been in place since we became an Eco-School in 2016 It was in 2019 that the Eco-Team was re-structured to ensure the active participation of a diverse…

Award-winning Climate Crisis Response Strategy

In 2019, UWC RBC developed a climate Crisis Response Strategy, highlighting the central elements Monitoring, Reducing, Offsetting and Education. When our major corporate donor, the Bosch GmbH, declared in 2019…