
Sustainability Month and Sustainability Day 14 April 2023

Friday 14 April was Sustainability Day at UWC Adriatic and classes and CAS activities were suspended so that our community could get together and find meaningful ways in which to reflect and act with regard to what is sometimes perceived as just a buzzword, or misinterpreted as a concept that applies to the environment alone.

There is no doubt that addressing climate change with no further delay is imperative. However, on this day Susco (our student-driven Sustainability Council) and some student volunteers decided to put together an exciting programme of activities based on possible solutions and feasible changes that can be implemented in order to make individual and collective lifestyles more sustainable across the board.

As Sustainability Coordinator Giulia Postal — recently shortlisted for the Earth Prize 2023 Educator of the Year award — mentioned in the introduction «Changes take time, effort and commitment, a joint vision and resources. And that must go hand in hand with planting a powerful seed of consciousness and awareness through education. This is why when the UWC movement was founded and the word “sustainable” was included in our mission statement I firmly believe it was not chosen lightly».


Giulia Postal