Project Week at a Permaculture Farm
One of the project weeks at the UWC Mostar was “Nature nurturers: Sustainable agriculture at “Nesto Vise” permaculture farm. Project week at the lovely “EkoDizajn i permakulturno imanje Nesto Vise” farm with our long term friends and partners, a non-profit-run farm in Humilisani, near Mostar The farm is located in beautiful apple and cherry orchards, with a large greenhouse, and a newly reconstructed house for accommodation. Students are in charge of cooking, cleaning, and activities that may include maintenance work, construction and vegetable cultivation. Additionally, the students had the opportunity to learn the basics of permaculture.
Everything at the farm is a model for sustainability, and students learned about different aspects from water recycling to organic farming. Students had an opportunity to dehydrate several herbs and fruits, prepare the soil for winter planting, learned about planting and propagating cuttings. The farm is easily reached, yet remote and quiet, and the work this week required effort but also a great learning opportunities, as well as relaxing in the nice weather.