



Students learning about rainforests and diet from their peers

Students teaching students

High School students involved in our Rainforest Restoration Project service wanted to raise awareness about threats to forests around the world with our Middle School students. They designed a 15…
Zero Waste Center at UWCSEA East

Supporting UWCSEA East activities in their journey to Zero Waste

Toward the unified UWC mission for Sustainability, our Activities department has started their own journey to Zero Waste together with the support of the Service & Sustainable Development Team. We…
Students delve into a dedicated unit on Sustainability in Singapore.

Integrating Services and Sustainable Development: Grade 9 and Grade 10 Critical Perspective at UWCSEA East Campus

All students in Grade 9 and Grade 10 at East take a class called Critical Perspective that touches on our UWCSEA Mission. The Service and Sustainable Development Department has worked…
UWCSEA Composting

UWCSEA: Learning to compost!

Having a composting program at school holds immense importance for several reasons. Firstly, it educates students about responsible waste management, allowing them to witness the impact of their actions on…

UWCSEA East’s Chicken-based learning!

Chicken-based Learning offers numerous learning opportunities that relate to Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and that engage students around sustainability, urban farming, and permaculture while connecting them…
Digital Dashboard on UWCSEA East Campus

UWCSEA: Partnership between education and operations – starting from great data!

Our facilities team have developed a digital system that collates and visualises data as a result of an operational desire for an even greater analysis of our efficiencies as a…
Students working on assembling electrical appliances

UWCSEA and Repair Kopitiam: Reviving the Spirit of Sustainable Repair

Embracing a Zero Waste focus, UWCSEA East and Dover Campus confront the prevailing ‘Buy and Throw Away’ culture head-on through the Repair Kopitiam initiative. Repair Kopitiam, a student-led environmental endeavour,…

The Heartbeat of Sustainability: The Seed Library at UWCSEA East Campus

The Seed Library. Situated in the bustling heart of the school, within the Service and Sustainable Development Department’s office, this library isn’t just for students and staff but welcomes the…
Grade 5 Exhibition on UWCSEA East Campus

UWCSEA East’s Flourishing Legacy: The Perimeter Food Forest Initiative

Three years since its conception, the Perimeter Food Forest at UWCSEA East Campus has become a vivid example of educational sustainability in action, deeply rooted in permaculture principles. This approach,…
Composting facility on East Campus.

Potted Plant Workshops at UWCSEA East Campus: Permaculture in Action

The United World Colleges (UWC) ethos of global unity and sustainability appears in many services at East Campus. Among its initiatives, the Potted Plant workshops stand out, weaving permaculture principles…
UWCSEA East Campus Nest facility

Urban Gardening and Permaculture at UWCSEA East Campus: Sustainable Solutions for Modern Challenges

Nestled atop the UWCSEA East Campus is The Nest, a 6th-floor botanical oasis, home to the pioneering Propagation and Urban Gardening Services. Both these student-led initiatives do more than just…

Building a vision for the Zero Waste Center

Our Zero Waste Centre – one of our 9 environmental outdoor classrooms – has since its opening in September 2021, become a bit of a “dumping ground” for waste than the center for recycling and reuse of materials we envisaged. Under the guidance of our Service and Sustainable Development Department,…