
Earth Day Hike 2024

Monday 22 April is Earth Day: it is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future. To honor and celebrate our remarkable planet students at UWC Adriatic challenged themselves and went for a hike in the pristine Carnic Alps in our region Friuli – Venezia Giulia.

We did some prep and training, learning how to read a map & how to prepare for a hike: from checking the weather forecast, to wearing the right clothes to always having extra layers with us just in case… We briefly talked about alpine tradition of cheesemaking in summer and the importance of pasture land at high altitudes.

On Saturday 20 April we set off at 7 AM in the morning for Forni Avoltri. From there, a 15km loop with over 900m of ascent, awaited our brave students. There were still about 20cm of snow at the top, temperatures close to 0 degrees and it was so windy that we had lunch inside the barn, huddled together just like cows! We cannot think of a better way of feeling connected to our beautiful planet and remind us of our responsibility to protect it.


Giulia Postal