Esperienza carsolina – our environmental education CAS activity
Did you know about the Carso plateau and its high level of biodiversity? Do you know how a beehive works? How about the life cycle of a bee and its importance for pollination and the environment? Did you know that land around the College is managed directly by local families following century long traditions? Have you ever milked a sheep and made cheese? Did you know that the ‘istriano-carsolina’ sheep is a protected species near extinction and that a farm just a few km away from the College is protecting it?
This is an interdisciplinary CAS activity that combines the creativity and service components of our programme and activities include practical farm work and awareness of farming processes, first-hand conservation and care of the environment, small-scale landscape management projects.
This year’s plan is to discover the Carso plateau and its rich biodiversity, focusing on conservation endeavours and land management, in our case with an endangered sheep species. We will spend some time beautifying our campus and village, planting bulbs that will brighten our days in springtime. When it is warmer, we will learn about the importance of bees and their role in the ecosystem, while making some bee friendly flower seeds to plant around our village!
Education around sustainability is key and the sooner we start, the better!