
Esperienza Carsolina – save the bees

During our CAS Esperienza Carsolina we learn about all things bees:

  • their life cycle
  • the different types of bees that live in a hive
  • how honey is made
  • their essential role as pollinators
  • their importance in ecosystems

We do this by sharing our newly acquired knowledge with local primary school children aged 8-10, who visit us in our ESS labs once a week during term time. We also visit a local beekeeper and his hives twice a year: in late summer, for a last glimpse of honey and a honey tasting; and in spring, when their busy life resumes after the winter break.

We want to bring experiential learning and the impact of our UWC mission for a sustainable future outside our College walls and into the local community!


Giulia Postal