LED lighting at UWC Maastricht
1063 light bulbs were replaced by LED lights in the school buildings in 2021.
After 8 years of intensive use of our Campus we recognized that certain elements were reaching the end of their life time. If aspects are up for renewing we are aiming for replacements that have less impact on our carbon footprint and contribute to our sustainability values. In 2020 we realized that in several places in the building the lumen/light output was rapidly decreasing. When we did some measurements it turned out that in several places in the building the lumen/ light output in the (school)building did not meet the ARBO (occupational health & safety) requirements. Although the initial investment of replacing all the existing bulbs at the time with LED lights was higher than replacing them by (conventional) light bulbs, we decided to go for the LED-option as this was the most sustainable option. The return of this (extra) investment is about 5 years as the lifetime of these lights is longer and the energy use is lower . In 2021 we replaced the (1063) light bulbs in the School buildings. In 2022 we proceeded to install LED lights in all the Residential buildings.