
Nature & Biodiversity

Back to the roots: growing our own food in school gardens, monitoring and protecting biodiversity on site and in surrounding areas – here is what we do to integrate positive interactions with nature into our lives.




Gardening day – save the bees

May 20 is World Bee Day! In preparation for this, on Friday 19 April students and local children gathered to plant bee friendly seeds in various locations on campus. The…
UWC RBC Food Footprinting CAS

Food Footprinting – Finding out how much land your food needs

How big is your meal? Have you ever wondered how much land is required to produce a single meal? The Food Footprinting activity is about visualizing the amount of farmland…
WC Atlantic The Valley organic farm

“The Valley” organic farm at Atlantic College

The Valley is UWC Atlantic’s organic farm here on campus run by SusCo (short for Sustainability Council), a student-led organisation promoting sustainability across all areas of college life. This activity…
Waterford Kamhlaba UWCSA Permaculture Garden

Permaculture Garden at Waterford Kamhlaba

The Waterford Kamhlaba community is doing its part to help make WK carbon-neutral. Boarding schools generate a lot of emissions; from the buses and cars bringing students to campus to…

Permaculture Garden and Tree Nursery Project

A 300 square metre garden designed and created by our community on permaculture principles. Includes tree nursery, polytunnel and fruit, flower and vegetable beds. The garden was created in 2021…

Food Forest

A 3 acres (12,140 m2) Food Forest is planned and in design phase at UWC-USA to create outdoor learning spaces for all STEAM subjects while also aligning the UWC mission with campus appearance.  The UWC-USA Food Forest is intended as a multi-functional learning landscape that addresses local and regional climate…

Tiny Food Forest

A “Fast Fruit Corner” for our Primary students The Tiny Food Forest was sponsored by a local environmental organisation (IVN) in Netherlands in November 2020 and was the first to…

School Garden at the heart of RBC’s sustainability concept

The former monastery garden of the Freiburg Charterhouse is, in many ways, the heart of our school and an important part of the school’s sustainability concept. Officially designated as a…